Fort Worth, Texas,
11:37 AM

Masters in parenting

Part 1 of @TheDocSmitty’s new series on child raising

I know that I have some of the brightest, hardest working parents as patients and followers of my blog and social media. Because of that, I sometimes have a hard time coming up with topics that will challenge you.  One day I was listening to a podcast about expectations for our children, especially about how having certain expectations of people changes the way you interact with them and often changes the way they turn out.

Listening to this conversation got me thinking about some of the other parenting research I have done as a pediatrician and to help with our kids as they have been growing up. We all want what is best for our children, but sometimes figuring that out is difficult. But, as a pediatrician who is interested in learning and development, that’s what I’m here for. 

I decided to share some things with you that you might not have thought about before. Some of the studies are common sense and others have some pretty surprising results. Either way, I plan to offer lots of practical advice about how you can use the study to help your child learn and develop well.

Here are some of the questions I will answer over the next few weeks:

Is calling your child smart really a bright idea?

Why should everyone homeschool (don’t jump to conclusions here…wait for the post)?

Why do you want your kid to point (even if it’s not “polite”)?

And many more!

What questions do you have about how you can help your child learn and develop? Leave a comment below. If I don’t have a post that answers it, I’ll write it.

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Rhett Blaine
I'm actually interested in hearing about the pointing. My daugther is doing that now and I'm trying to teach her the manners behind it and instead of pointing, waving and saying "hello".