Fort Worth, Texas,
12:05 PM

When love hurts: Your teen and dating violence

A Cook Children’s expert looks at violence in teenage relationships

The news of a 17-year-old male high school student arrested in connection with the death of a 16-year-old girl leaves us all shaken and disturbed.

Irving Police said the boy admitted to choking to death his ex-girlfriend, but his unsolicited confession came before he had his rights read to him.

Although the story is sad and shocking to us, it’s all too common.

When it comes to relationships, teens are the most common age group to experience dating violence, and dating inexperience is often to blame.

“Many teens in danger don’t realize their relationships are unhealthy or that certain behaviors are inappropriate,” said Jamye Coffman, M.D., medical director of the Cook Children’s CARE (Child Advocacy Resource and Evaluation) team. “Abuse doesn’t always involve physical assault, and many inexperienced teens and young adults view threats jealousy and controlling behaviors as signs of love.”

An estimated one in three teenagers is in an abusive relationship.

Because abuse is common in teenage relationships, it’s important for parents to talk with their children about the signs of abuse and the components of a healthy relationship before teens start dating. Parents should also model respectful behaviors in their own relationships.

“Explain that partners should respect and support one another and maintain safe boundaries,” Coffman said. “If you are worried, you can say, ‘I’m concerned about our current relationship, and I want to make sure this is a healthy one for you.’ By maintaining a healthy, respectful relationship with your teenager, you can keep communication open.”

Unfortunately, many of these relationships by teens are carried over into adulthood.

If teenagers are in an abusive relationship and want to break up, support from family and friend is essential. According to Dr. Coffman, teenagers should always carry a cell phone so they can call for help if necessary. They should also never end an abusive relationship when they are alone.

If teens attend school with their significant other, the school needs to be aware of the situation to prevent retaliation from occurring during the school day.

“The break-up period is the most dangerous time for abuse to occur or escalate,” Dr. Coffman said. “Parents need to help their children develop a plan, which should include ways to maintain safety. It’s also important for parents to recognize that girls are not the only ones at risk for abuse, and abuse doesn’t only happen in heterosexual relationships.”

Identifying Abuse

The following signs indicate teenagers may be in unhealthy relationships:

  • Checking their significant other’s email, text messages or voicemail without permission.
  • Jealousy.
  • Mood swings.
  • Offhand comments intended to degrade or put down, which are often written off as joking or teasing.
  • Withdrawal from friends, family and favorite activities.
  • Unexplained bruises or physical injuries.


Risk factors for domestic violence



The best thing a friend can do is help a woman suffering from domestic violence to connect with people who can get her out of her situation so she can develop a safe plan to reclaim her life. If you are in the Fort Worth area, contact One Safe Place to learn more about domestic violence, support victims, or to receive help. Nationally, call the National Domestic Violence hotline at 1-800-SAFE (7233).

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Christy Vela
Thought this was interesting.Thanks