Fort Worth, Texas,
10:21 AM

Sun care for superstars

And for the rest of us

I know that my patients and readers are the best parents in the world following all the recommended safety precautions and the American Academy of Pediatric advice on every topic.

Back to Sleep, Tummy to Play - Check

Rear Facing Car Seat Until 2 Years- Check

Sunscreen Every Time- Ch….Well, most of the time, amiright?

You can click the link above to read the detail on sun safety, but I'll summarize them here:

Under 6 Months:

  • Keep in the shade under an umbrella or stroller canopy - Dads, it's a good excuse for you to stay inside when it's hot and watch the World Cup this summer.
  • It's OK to put sunscreen on small areas of the body (i.e. face) if shade is not available.

Over 6 Months:

  • Sunscreen, sunscreen and then sunscreen again. If your child isn't annoyed by your frequency of sunscreen applications, you're not doing it right. Re-apply at least every 2 hours and listen to the chorus of, “But mom, not again.” It’s a beautiful sound.
  • Pick a sunscreen with the highest SPF you can find-At least 15 but preferably higher; if you find 1000, let me know, because my wife loves you!
  • Limit sun exposure between 10 AM to 4PM-Feel free to use the classic lunch, no swimming for 2 hours because of cramps wives tail, it's been working for generations.

OK, super-parents who would never forget above facts can stop reading…now.

And, for the rest of us.

3 Tips to Treat a Sunburn:

  1. Use an aloe vera based gel or cool wet rag for comfort.
  2. Treat with oral ibuprofen at the onset of pain and for 24-48 hours.
  3. Neither of these are miracle workers so prevention is by far the best strategy.

3 Reasons To Seek Medical Attention:

  1. Severe blistering.
  2. Severe pain.
  3. Other symptoms such as fever, vomiting, headache or signs of dehydration (no urine output for >6 hours or dry lips and mouth).

Let’s all keep our kids sunburn free this summer!  

Sunburn is not only very painful for your kids it is very dangerous for their future health as well. The incidence of melanoma (the most fatal form of skin cancer) is on the rise in the United States. Studies have shown that a sunburn in childhood or adolescence almost doubles your risk of developing melanoma as an adult.



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